Fri 5th Apr - Fri 12th Apr

ATG 2024



This years annual Gathering will be in Forster at Lani's Holiday Island

Here are some of the fun bits we WILL be doing this year!!

SAT 6th: Talent Show

Anything goes - kid friendly. Come prepared with your performance!

Kids News and Journalism

We will have some devices and training for the kids. We hope to teach them how to put together news bulletins and some investigative shorts!

Sun 7th: Tribe Talks

Anything you would like to talk about and share with the group.

Mon 8th: Pong Tourney

Let's all get together and ensure anyone but Zane wins!

Tues 9th: Trivia

Jacky to host this year!

Wed 10th: Kids Perform Play

We will organise the kids, teach them the different roles in putting together a storied performance over the course of the trip, and then perform it live!


Bring gear if you have, or borrow someone elses!

Thurs 11th: Poker

Finish the trip with a quiet night bluffing your way to the Championship!

Screen Printing

Bring some shirts or any material to Print on!!

We have added some new activities to the list of usual adult fun!! It may seem a bit full, however kids do need some structure and with some volunteers - we can rotate between relaxing and hanging out with the smaller tribe members and teach them some super skills.

Everyone is encouraged and welcome to participate in all they seem keen on. Marius will be helping with the kids news and journalism (and wherever else required), put your hand up if you want to be a part of it!

Putting a play together in such a short time will be ambitious, however if there are crew who would like to be a part of making that happen - let Marius know and we can convene beforehand and come up with a strategy. There is soooo much possibility with this one!

The Talent Show and Tribe Talks are components to come prepared with - or wing on the day! An informal way to have some fun and share!

I have booked my mob in for the whole time, paying a 50% deposit, balance due on arrival.

It is $25/n - adult and $16/n - child, if you want less nights (2 night min on weekend).

Please let me know if you book so I know numbers for activities and such.

Fri 5th Apr - Fri 12th Apr

Notes to be aware of:

email with all your silly questions and outstanding suggestions